SmArtist Mapper
Features (Pro and Free version)
255 Countries mesh objects converted from Natural Earth Data
Easy to use panel in the 3D View.
3 Resolution options at 10m, 50m, and 110m scales.
- HD Countries / 10m Resolution / 255 Countries - Pro Version
- MD Countries / 50m Resolution / 241 Countries - Pro Version
- LD Countries / 110m Resolution / 177 Countries
Custom Geometry nodes setup
- Extrude/Translate Countries by value
- Show custom value and name labels
- Various label options
Materials Presets. - Pro Version 16K, Free Version 8K
- Materials Quick Setup panel.
Projection options.
- Flat
- Sphere
- Disc
- Tube
Import and export CSV data.
- Starter CSV template provided, update country objects with your own csv data.
- Export CSV data to re-use in other projects.
Full documentation is available on our documentation sub-domain here.
Quick start
A quick start video is available on YouTube. It provides some visual support to the documentation.
About the geographic data
The data used in this addon is part of the public domain or registered under CC0, see below for more information.
Natural Earth data in GeoJSON
Map files used in shaders
Colour Map
Natural Earth II with Shaded Relief, Water, and Drainages Coloring based on idealized land cover.
Bump Map
Gray Earth with Shaded Relief, Hypsography, Ocean Bottom, and Drainages Antarctic ice shelves are also included.
Other data sources
Import and visualization of geographic country data.